is a talent-exchanging network. More »
Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.


30 minute aquaponic primer
Love the barter system. Always looking to expand my network of connections and people, especially people of similar likes, tastes, and beliefs. Although I learn a lot from friends that have diffe...

30 minute aquaponic primer

Chicken Coop Design
I want everybody to be able to say "I make a world of difference" in some way. Not everyone can afford an architect or landscape designer. That's why I want to provide design help on Simbi. I love ...

Chicken Coop Design

Micro greens Primer
I like to have the opportunity to help others learn as well as broaden my horizons .

Micro greens Primer

Plan and/or build a garden
I have a disdain for capitalism and see it as the root of all oppressions of the people of our world. As Simbi does not involve the exchange of money and emphasizes sharing it is inherently anti-c...

Plan and/or build a garden

Seeds and Growing Info
I have all sorts of things I could use help with, from picking a paint color to body doubling for ADHD. I also have useful--and some useless-but-fun--skills. Oh, plus a lot of STUFF. Why should we ...

Seeds and Growing Info

Landscape Design and  Assessment
I believe that half of the worlds wealth (money supply) has been accumulated through destructive acts. I believe it is up to us as individuals to transmute that energy and create a new paradigm aro...

Landscape Design and Assessment

Plant/Garden/Farm Consulting
Because plants are people, too

Plant/Garden/Farm Consulting

Garden Planning
This is a great example of what society needs.

Garden Planning

Answer 3 plant/garden questions
I love trading/bartering with people. I also believe everyone has a useful talent.

Answer 3 plant/garden questions

Permaculture Design Initial Consult

Permaculture Design Initial Consult

Mushroom Cultivation Consultant
As a disabled individual, my income only goes so far. I love the idea of bartering services as there are many things that I enjoy and am capable of doing, but are difficult finding steady demand for.

Mushroom Cultivation Consultant

Fix ANY plant problem - Guaranteed!
Paying for college myself, I'm often underfunded and resort to trade anyways. I also love to help people, so I figured Simbi could help me use my knowledge of plants to supplement my trades and hel...

Fix ANY plant problem - Guaranteed!

Aeroponic Gardening Consultation
I'm all about grassroots and love the bartering concept. The value of trading is much more valuable than monetary compensation, oftentimes. It just simply makes sense. Plus, it is a powerful indepe...

Aeroponic Gardening Consultation

Dig the old school barter/ service exchange. Have been saying for years things should go back to this method of living, money is a trap to the system.


Fertilizer Quick Q & A
I like to have the opportunity to help others learn as well as broaden my horizons .

Fertilizer Quick Q & A

Plant Suggestions for any Space
Alternative currency intrigues me.

Plant Suggestions for any Space

Growing Organic Permaculture Style
I've always believed the people have all the power in the world & when they decide to come together the world will change. I feel an alternative economy or Time Banks are one of those solutions !!

Growing Organic Permaculture Style

30 minute organic gardening consult
Knowledge is meant to be shared. Life is meant to be shared. Our world is meant to be shared.

30 minute organic gardening consult